Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Your Annual Household Salary in 1.56 Seconds!

No, this is not a job offer. Or a get rich quick scheme. Unfortunately. It's the rate at which the United States Government is adding to it's national debt.

Let's crunch the numbers:

national debt as of 09/30/2008 : $10,024,724,896,912.40
national debt as of 09/30/2007 : $9,007,653,372,262.48
(take the difference)
debt change year over year : $1,017,071,524,649.92
(divide by 365)
change per day : $2,786,497,327.81
(divide by 24)
per hour : $116,104,055.33
(divide by 60)
per minute : $1,935,067.59
(divide by 60 again)
per second : $32,251.13
2007 median annual household income : $50,233.00
(divide by $32,251.13)
Time required for the national debt to rise by the average American's annual household income : 1.56 seconds

Data Sources:
national debt
household income

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