Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain : 3 At Bats, Zero Hits

Well, the 2008 presidential debate season is finally over, and McCain got shut out on the "deficit" and "national debt" word count. Three debates, zero mention. News was a little better for Obama, last night he mentioned deficit three times, and national debt once.

Here's the breakdown for all three debates.

Debate 3:
Total words = 15,000

Schieffer - 3
McCain - 0
Obama - 2

Schieffer - 0
McCain - 0
Obama - 1

Debate 2:
Total words = 16,000

Brokaw - 2
McCain - 0
Obama - 2

Brokaw - 0
McCain - 0
Obama - 2

Debate 1:
Total words = 16,000

Leher - 0
McCain - 0
Obama - 1

Leher - 0
McCain - 0
Obama - 0

Bottom line : 47,000 words were spoken in 3 debates and 13 of them were either deficit or national debt. Our country has 790 billion dollars worth of debt for each of those 13 words. Hmmm.....

On the bright side, there was actually a pretty decent discussion about debt, deficits, and spending in last nights 3rd and final debate. If you missed it, here's the transcript and here's the video:

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